Many companies are looking at flexible working and office space is being considered as expensive and now maybe too big for ongoing needs.
So why is payroll outsourcing important when considering office space?
Fewer workers in the office equals less space required for staff. Many companies are considering payroll outsourcing and HR digitalisation for the near future. By considering it when measuring up for new office space you can reduce your space requirements further, now ultimately saving money which can also help to justify the case for improving your systems and processes whilst freeing time to develop your business.
So how does Payroll Outsourcing save time and space?
By allowing an established HR and payroll services provider to manage your HR and payroll offsite, your headcount lowers, making instant quantifiable financial savings to your business. Some established companies can also offer TUPE options so your old payroll teams can be accommodated elsewhere. Your TUPE staff also benefit, finding advantages in being embedded within a large growing company with development and growth potential centralised around their chosen career.
In addition, by outsourcing you will benefit from our economies of scale to support your staff, relieving office payroll stress and time spent on payroll issues, instead allowing your people time and opportunity to manage and develop your business and staff further.
As well as payroll, digital transformation of HR can also be introduced utilising online learning and development for everyone. This approach can notably include key front-facing staff. With almost 75% of retail workers now declaring a further interest and desire to learn this way (source Personnel Today), this allows investment into personnel who may well be your next-generation industry leaders.
The time is undoubtedly good for outsourcing HR and payroll. The last year has been undeniably hard on many inhouse HR & payroll teams. In a recent survey, over 90% of payroll managers made an error every month last year, with 37% claiming that payroll errors diverted them from critical tasks (source Personnel Today). The case for outsourcing is clear from the previous year alone. It brings efficiencies in data compliance and legal requirements, ensures timely accurate payroll and processing, valuable management reports and reduces office stress whilst tapping into a wealth of expertise and talent.
As cost savings of 20-30% can be realised by first generation outsourcing compared to in-house, for many ‘future-proofing’ payroll is just a matter of time.
Zalaris are a comprehensive global HR & payroll technology and services company that, for more than 20 years, have provided a first-class, global, single cloud-based HR and payroll solution. A solution that seamlessly connects all aspects of a customer’s HR and Payroll processes into one turnkey solution. Zalaris further accompany their leading technology platform with outsourced business services to manage all aspects of their customers’ HR and transactional payroll needs.
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