Overview of the solution:
Zalaris’ Absence solution empowers employees to register their absence with ease, ensuring that their work schedules are kept up-to-date. The solution offers employees transparency and control over their time off, tracking various types of absences.
The recorded absences are securely stored, providing a centralised record accessible as needed. This solution streamlines absence management, enhances workforce efficiency, and provides a user-friendly way for employees to report their absences. Optimise your absence management with Zalaris.
Features of the Solution:
For Employees:
- Self-service portal to request time off and check leave balances.
- Visibility of current leave balances and history of previous absences.
- The option to request diverse types of leave applications, such as vacation, sick, personal, and family leave.
- Notifications and reminders for upcoming leave and return to work dates.
- Ability to submit medical certificates or other relevant documents related to leave requests.
- Team functionality to overview absences of colleagues reporting to the same manager.
- Record and control absence using standard absence types.
- Quota management supported solution with customisable input controls such as max/min number of days, part of a day with % absence, and more.
- Transfer Vacation Quota Application supported solution.
For Employers:
- Easy-to-use dashboard to manage employee absences and approve or deny leave requests.
- Customisable absence policies and rules to align with business needs and compliance requirements.
- Integration with existing payroll and HR systems for seamless management of employee leave balances and entitlements.
- The calendar view feature provides a clear overview of all employee absences and their status, making it easier for managers to manage staffing levels and schedules.
- Reports and analytics to track employee absence trends and identify potential areas of concern.
- GDPR compliance and data security measures to protect employee information.
Benefits of the Solution:
Zalaris’ Absence Solution provides companies with real-time visibility into employee absences allowing managers to track and manage employee absences more effectively, ensuring that the right resources are available to meet business needs. The solution also offers a range of features that help streamline absence management, including automated absence requests and approvals, calendar integration, and reporting.
Zalaris’ Absence Solution offers a comprehensive view of employee absences, helping companies identify patterns and reduce future absences. This supports employees in managing their work and personal lives effectively, leading to improved morale, engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.
How does it scale your business?
Zalaris’ Absence solution, enables managers toeasily access absence data and make informed decisions about resource allocation and workforce planning. The solution’s intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and use, reducing the learning curve for managers and employees alike.
By ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and supporting easy integration with other HR systems, the solution provides a comprehensive platform for organisations thereby saving time and resources.
Experience the benefits of streamlined absence management and improved compliance with Zalaris’ Absence solution.
Want to get started? Get in touch with our experts today to learn more.