Amica Group relies on Zalaris for HR solution and integration with SAP HCM

Zalaris implemented HR solution supported by SuccessFactors and supported integration with SAP HCM in Poland.

Strategic Objective/ Value Driver

The main objective is to improve the quality, effectiveness, commonality, usability and standardisation of employee lifecycle management. ​

Technology scope:
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, Performance & Goals, Compensation, Succession & Development, Learning Management, SAP HCM Integration.
Service scope:
SAP SuccessFactors implementation and integration with SAP HCM.
Geographical scope:
Poland, United Kingdom, Denmark.
  • consulting
  • support
  • outsourcing

Role of Zalaris

SAP SuccessFactors implementation and integration with SAP HCM.

Role of Zalaris
The choice of Zalaris as number 1, amongst very strong competitors was determined by: the best offer, commitment in the sales process, pre-analysis of the implementation scope and good reputation in the market.
—  Olech BestrzyÅ„ski, Amica Group HR Director

Outcomes achieved

The result is time and cost savings, as well as profit gains through increased employee engagement will also be incurred.

Outcomes achieved