On our penultimate day, our consultants have got two more areas lined up to share their insights on:
- Employee Central: Time Management
- Employee Central: Payroll
You can download each full article below. Alternatively, why not sign up for our email updates (in the top right of this webpage) and once all articles for this release are published, we’ll email you a link to our eBook containing all articles in this release.
Employee Central: Time Management
Angelo Buena introduces us to a long list of highly anticipated and exciting new features and enhancements, with significant usability improvements in this release. There are notable feature parities between web and mobile application and a number of product gaps have also been addressed – all providing a better management experience for employees and administrators.
Employee Central: Payroll
Kapil Jhanji updates us on this second release for 2023 which highlights enhanced localisation features, including new localised version for Greece, engagement card for the United States and FIE Absence Data import for Spain. Other updates include country specific replication improvements and enhancements, PTP framework improvements and updates on deprecation.