Our team of product owners, developers and designers have been hard at work over the past few months, pouring their expertise and creativity into a host of exciting new features and improvements.
In the following sections, we will break down some of the most important updates and improvements and explain why they are so valuable for our customers. Ready to learn more? Let us dive in!
Why do the releases matter?
Regular system updates are part of the Zalaris PeopleHub solution, a state-of-the-art HR & payroll software, that ensures business owners never miss out on latest features that can help improve their HR and payroll processes.
At Zalaris, we are committed to constantly improving our websites and products to provide the best possible experience for our customers. We make both minor and major enhancements to our offerings, and we keep our customers informed about these updates through biannual webinars. During these webinars, we present all the improvements we’ve made so far, as well as any planned enhancements for the future.
What can you anticipate from this most recent release of PeopleHub? With the goal of helping businesses and HR specialists streamline their operations while staying on top of the latest trends, we have implemented a number of significant upgrades and enhancements to the Zalaris Helpdesk, virtual assistant Zally, time management solutions, and much more. Changes are required during the growing phase, and our customers can rely on Zalaris to deliver quality HR & payroll software, one that fits in with all working environments and ensures the growth of the organization.
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Unveiling key updates and improvements
Here are some of the key updates that the Q2 2023 release of Zalaris PeopleHub brings to you that further enhance the functionality and usability of the solution:
Time management updates
Our intention with the time management updates is to make it easier for you to efficiently and intuitively manage the time and attendance of your employees. Let’s explore the main enhancements contained in this version in more detail:
1. Single standard for all calendars
Our objective with this quarter’s time management improvement is to provide uniform standards for all calendars in PeopleHub. Using the same ISO_8601 standard, all calendars utilised by various PeopleHub portal applications will line up in desktop and mobile views.
2. Improved leave recording experience
Our Record Absence application has undergone a much-needed update that will make it simpler for managers and employees to approve leaves of absence. Two additional data columns will be made available by Zalaris for the Record Absence application’s list view:
- Leave creation date
- Leave approval/rejection/deletion date
Additionally, the information regarding the date the leave was created will be visible in the manager’s inbox after the request is started for processing.
3. Working location recording
With the recent upgrade, the Record Absence application now allows employees to log their working location daily. This can be done via self-service application by selecting on of the four standard categories,
- Home office
- Work office
- Client office
- Business travel
This data entry will provide the location that an employee worked from on a specific day. A new dashboard title for managers, employees and HR/admins is provided to analyse work location practices per selected time scope. The solution will be activated per customer request and location recordings will make no impact on the payroll process.
The virtual assistant, Zally
Zally is our virtual assistant (chatbot) created and trained by Zalaris. Our chatbot is now available for customers who use PeopleHub. The standard version is supported with user guide type of answers, the support language is English, and all the conversations are saved in Helpdesk. Zally is customised to provide standard answers according to the service level.
We have implemented different topics Zally can answer regarding PeopleHub, Helpdesk, Absence & Time Recording and Pay slips. There are some common topics that are common as a query. If an employee requests information about absence registration, Zally will provide a URL link where the user is taken directly to that application. If the users request a very generalised question, they are presented with topics to choose from, if the answer is the one, they are looking for. Zally is trained to provide a clear answer if something is not available.
Key performance takeaways from Zally include,
- Daily conversation and user feedback analytics
- Continues improvement model
- Human live chat with customer specific content
Helpdesk improvements and updates
About three months ago we introduced our brand-new support ticketing system to all our customers. We are continuously working on new features and improvements to enhance customer support that will improve the user experience. Let us take a closer look at the key updates to the Helpdesk Solution included in this release:
1. Dedicated attachment section
The ticket overview page is a dedicated section specifically designed for attachments. This section displays attachments added to the ticket and provides the following functionalities:
- Attachment details including the date and time, the title and the format of the attachment with its size
- The ability to download an attachment by simply clicking on it
- The option to expand or hide the attachment section as needed
2. Notification when Helpdesk is unresponsive
As the Helpdesk solution has integration with C4C and some of the actions in Helpdesk are dependent on C4C responsiveness, we have added notifications whenever there is an issue with any of the solutions. Notification will be displayed at the top of the Helpdesk page and will notify users that some of the actions in the Helpdesk might be limited as there is an issue with responsiveness.
3. Feedback collection application for customers who do not use Helpdesk
Gathering feedback on the services and support we offer our customers is crucial. With the previous release we introduced feedback collection application in the Helpdesk. Now we have developed an additionalapplication for feedback collection so that we can receive feedbacks from customers who does not use Helpdesk. This application will automatically send a personalised link with feedback forms for each ticket.
These feedback forms will be very similar to the ones available in Zalaris Helpdesk and contain ticket number, subject and a rating scale ranging from very bad to excellent. Additionally, employees will have the opportunity to provide comments explaining their rating. Feedback forms will be sent to customer’s email addresses once the tickets will be moved to the state closed.
4. Request and incident forms
A major improvement to the Zalaris Helpdesk will be the introduction of structured request and incident forms, in other words, ticket templates. The template will ensure a consistent format and structure for submitting different types of requests or incidents. The template will also facilitate the precise collection of the required information, mitigate errors and improve productivity with better service delivery.
The overall purpose of templates is to enhance efficiency, accuracy and consistency in the submission of the request and incidents.
Improved payroll process in Payroll Control Center (PCC)
Zalaris Payroll Control Center (PCC) offers a comprehensive set of functionalities that streamline payroll processes, improve accuracy, ensure compliance, and provide valuable insights for effective payroll management. By implementing the latest enhancements, we will transition from PCC 2.0 to PCC 3.0 version, which will include the entire payroll process with pre-payroll, payroll and post-payroll processes.
Zalaris PCC 3.0 brings enhancements to existing solutions like productive payroll processes and introduces completely new processes previously only available in the SAP backend.
- Improved production payroll process
- Productive bank file transfer process
- Productive posting process
- Conversion to managed configuration
- New KPIs created with managed configuration
Productive payroll process in PCC 3.0 based on Zalaris best practice will include:
- Release for payroll
- Executing the run
- Performing posting simulation
- Performing payment simulation (for salary, union payments, garnishments, other needs dependent on customer/country)
- Evaluating the pay result, analysing alerts and exiting payroll
Zalaris PeopleHub: A global HCM platform
The Zalaris PeopleHub Q2 2023 release has seen major updates and improvements in time management solution, helpdesk software and in payroll control center. Along with that, we have launched Zally, our virtual assistant to enhance the user experience. These releases are essential in upholding our promise to deliver the finest HR and payroll software available, and these most recent updates are no exception.
If you have any questions about Zalaris PeopleHub release updates for Q2 2023, we encourage you to talk to our experts and consultants today!
Please feel free to look at the updates from the previous quarter as well.